Fabuwood KBIS Booth Build: Behind the Design

KBIS (the Kitchen and Bath Industry Show) is the largest kitchen and bath trade show in the United States…

It’s the one industry event of the year that I NEVER miss - and this year was extra special, because I joined team Kerrie Kelly Studio to design the 2,500 square foot Fabuwood booth!

We began designing the booth in July of 2024, completed our plans and specifications (selection of materials, colors, etc.) by the end of October 2024, then worked with the Fabuwood team to answer questions, finalize selections and ordering of materials, coordinating the designs of the chosen booth brand ambassadors, and traveled to Fabuwood Headquarters in New Jersey to be a part of the booth build where the construction team literally built the entire booth (that’s right, all walls, ceilings, lighting, cabinetry, countertops, etc.) and team KK Studio went to town styling each space!

Below are the renderings we designed, as well as the final booths after being built and styled.

E.L. Designs Designer Office Rendering

E.L. Designs Vanity Display Rendering

Being able to work ‘virtually’ side by side with Kerrie Kelly and Sarah Merchant was such a dream come true - and being included in the 'insider’ conversations about upcoming design trends, connecting with different market segments within the industry, learning an entirely new cabinetry line, and stretching my rendering capabilities to the max was incredible. We had tight turn-arounds (sometimes between 24 - 48 hours) for revisions, multiple consulting teams, from the talented Fabuwood team to the amazing PR firm coordinating activations in the booth on show day, to the professional build team who produced the construction drawings for the booth - all across multiple time zones… and of course… design changes!

One of the funniest stories that we kept sharing during the KBIS show was how our design plan was 99% done/approved, when Kerrie texts and says, “I’d love to figure out where to put a party barn in the plan”, and when I read it, I thought auto-correct changed ‘party BAR’ to ‘party BARN’, so I laughed to myself, and thought, “awesome, we’re getting some cocktails up in this booth… I better call Kerrie and chat about where the BAR should go… maybe in the luxury kitchen??”… so when I call Kerrie, she assures me she meant to text ‘BARN’ not bar… and that she plans on having a luxury Bronco driven into the Las Vegas Convention Center to park in the B-A-R-N.

Ok… The party’s on! ;-P

So, Kerrie follows up our conversation with the inspiration image from Architectural Digest of a vintage yellow Mercedes parked in a lovely white barn and shares with me and all of our project teams - that the Party Barn is actually a design trend taking the industry by storm as folks across the country convert their garages (or barns!) to multi-purpose spaces that not only store a car, but double as a trendy hang out space for drinks, socializing, and entertaining! You better believe that we managed to get the most amazing, most beautiful Bronco we could, thanks to Gateway Bronco, and she was definitely the conversation starter for the entire show!

This booth design was literally a ‘wild ride’ (appropriate play on words with the Bronco, right?!?) and I am beyond grateful to have been a part of it - and I loved sharing the Party BARN story with you!

You can see what a powerful tool these different renderings were for our entire team. For any homeowner out there, this same tool can be used for your own design project too!

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