No More Deep Dark Corners: Custom Storage Inspiration

Don’t let perceived unusable space go to waste! Check out these custom storage inspirations to amplify all of your hidden corners.

We always need more storage in our kitchens, right? Well, these corner cabinet accessories do just that. No more on your hands and knees with a flashlight, looking into the depths of the cabinets. Those deep, hard-to-reach corners where you would only put the vases you rarely used are now perfect storage space. Introducing what we call ‘Blind Corner Pull Outs’ - your new favorite cabinet accessory!

These little babies bring you everything that used to sit in the dark nether regions of your lower cabinets. Just open the door and pull the swinging shelf toward you to access anything in your cabinet! If you need even better visibility, you can add lighting to the cabinet, as shown in the last two photos below!

Depending on the size of your cabinet, you may have a couple of different options for the shelf size and shape. Like the first image, some are ‘half-moon’ shaped, and others, like the photos above, are more of a ‘kidney bean’ shape. You will want to consider what you want to store on these swing-out shelves. The size and shape of the shelf can dictate the weight it can support.

So, if you plan on storing mixing bowls, tupperware, and pitches, the kidney bean shape will work perfectly. If you plan to store larger, bulkier items, the half moon would be a better shelf shape, as it’s not as narrow as the kidney bean shape.

Now, these swing-out baskets are very accessible and come out from the corner very easily, as they’re attached to the cabinet door. Each storage option has its pros and cons - and this accessory has weight limits because it’s attached to the cabinet door. Usually, each shelf can hold between 15 - 20 pounds and they’ll be smaller than the other swing-out accessories. These are ideal for smaller pots and pans that you use daily, or pantry snack items (as shown in the first image).

Don’t discount the tried and true ‘Lazy Susan’ cabinet either! These have been around forever, and for good reason - these babies can hold a ton of weight! We have these have in our own kitchen and one shelf can hold an Instant-Pot, a pressure cooker, a blender, serving bowls, a hand mixer, and a coffee grinder - all on just one shelf! Lazy Susan cabinets are ideal for small kitchens where space is a premium and tons of storage is a must, because they are the smallest corner cabinet you can use. Again, for an added bonus, just add some lighting (that comes on when you open the door!).


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